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Latin American Initiative Award Recipients


Dr. Alberto Boveris, Laboratory of Free Radical Biology, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Elaine Aparecida Del Bel, Department of Physiology, University of San Paulo, Brazil

Dr. Benedito H. Machado, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of San Pauo, Brazil

Dr. Alicia Mattiazzi, Director, Centro de Investigaciones, Cardiovasculares, Facultad de Medicine, La Plata, Argentina


Dr. Francisco Jose Barrantes, Institute of Bioquimica, Bahia Blanca, organizer of an International Training Postgraduate UNESCO Course: �Novel spectroscopic and physiological approaches to Neurobiology�, Bahia Blanca, Argentina

Dr. Adolfo de Bold, University of Ottawa Heart Institute organizer of workshop on Molecular Physiology of Vasoactive Peptides, Argentinean Society for Clinical Investigation, Mar del Plata, Argentina

Dr. Hugo Gonzalez, University of Maryland, organizer of the Third Symposium on Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Muscle Research, Mexico City, Mexico

Drs. Stephen Warburton New Mexico State University and Tobias Wang, organizers of a course on the Biology of the Heart to be held in Rio Claro, Brazil


Dr. Patricia E. Molina, MD, PhD; LSUHSC, New Orleans organizer of course on �Advances in Physiology; Impact on our Understanding of Health and Disease� hosted by the Medical School of Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala

Drs. Claudia Capurro, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Guillermo Whittembury, Caracas, Venezuela organizers of a workshop on �New insights in water transport across cells and membranes:  Structure, function and regulation� hosted at the International Congress of Biophysics, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Mario Parisi, Buenos Aires, Argentina organizer of a workshop on Volume regulation in animal cells and in plant vacuoles� hosted at the International Congress of Biophysics, Buenos, Aires, Argentina


Dr. Mario Amzel, Johns Hopkins University organizer of a course on �Molecular Modeling of Macromolecules,� hosted by the Institute of Biotechnology, Universidad Autonoma of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

Dr. Mark R. Opp, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston organizer of a symposium on �Stressor-Induced Alterations in Sleep,� hosted by Department of Psychobiology, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Dr. Tania Zenteno-Savin, Center for Biological Research, Mexico organizer of a workshop on �Comparative Aspects of the Oxidative Stress in Biological Systems,� hosted by the Center for Biological Research, La Paz, Baja California, Mexico

Dr. Reinaldo DiPolo, Department of Biophysics, IVIC, Venezuela organizer of a course on �Mechanisms of Ion Transport Across Cell Membranes,� hosted by Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC)


Dr. Rafael Rubio, Faculty of Medicine, UASLP, San Luis Potosi, Mexico organizer of a symposium entitled "Paracrine, Cytokine, and Hormonal Factors Involved in Cardiac Function and Remodeling" at the XX Latin American Physiological Society Congress, Cancun, Mexico.